A lot of and about overthinking :')


Today was such a good day and I hope you all had one too! Now, I don't know if this is just a me thing, but I notice as the day gets later into the night, I find myself trapped in my own head and everything that I stress about but doesn't express during the day, always hits me and I just feel so drained and find myself stressing about everything I could ever imagine. I know I am a big overthinker and feel that I am so different from everyone around me and it sucks. I feel no one understands or cares enough to understand me or even a percentage of what I think. I feel I am always getting dismissed and made to be the bad guy in situations where I truly didn't even do anything. I stress about little comments made days ago and I just can't help it. I wish I could explain it better. It's like for example its what, 10:14pm now and I showered and have been laying around since around 9 ish. Within this hour I've stressed about what I want to do with my life, how people view me, how I look, food, what school I am going to go to, if I even want to go to school, if people actually like me, if I'm too much to handle, how to be less to handle, how to change my personality, etc etc. These were just the ones off the top of my head, I know. I wish I didn't stress about everything at once and had better coping skills with stress, but right now this is where I am at. I know I should take things and digest them as they come but for some reason when Im alone I feel I need to come up with solutions and answers to everything, yet seem to never get a solid one. It is very frustrating. I have noticed myself being so so much happier recently and I know it's because I'm imagining that I just absolutely love life. I honestly suggest you do this too. When you imagine and just even say wow I love my life, it'll start becoming truer and truer. And I truly do love my life and I know that I am just stressing right now but even just writing this out helps me because honestly, you have to just take everything day by day. Friendships, money, followers, weight, looks, relationships, everything changes. We aren't guaranteed anything for forever, If you want something forever you have to make it last. It is hard though especially with people because that always has to be 50/50. Personally, I feel just like an annoyance and that I push myself too far into people's lives and babbling on and on and I feel that really makes people want to leave or stop trying, but honestly with everything I have personally gone through I know myself, and I do try to change minor things for the people I want in my life but I am not going to completely change myself just to be wanted, liked, or loved. It's more a take me as I am or maybe I don't want you. It does suck especially when it is people you genuinely do want in your life and the feeling of them not wanting you back or you not feeling as loved or wanted in the same way sucks big time, but it might not even be true. I like to force myself that it is really in my head and justify it by would they even stick around in my life if they really didn't like me? If they really were bothered by how I am, would they really stay with me? I guess that would be their problem if they felt these certain ways and continued to act as if they don't. So again, I have to stop thinking these things and take it day by day and just go with the flow and stick to it. I am so done acting as some go-with-the-flow spontaneous person and then getting so in my head as if I am doing everything wrong. I do love the person I am, and honestly I never even know my next move, but I hate the girl that stresses and ruins good things because of the thoughts in her head eating her alive. So yes, yet another off-topic all over place type of blog post, but this one did help me relieve some stress and I feel got a lot out. Here is a few things that help me from time to time, so I hope it can help you too :)

  1. Identify what is within your control: Recognize the things that you have control over versus those that you don't. Focusing on what you can control will help you feel more empowered and reduce stress.

    - We can't control how people feel or act towards us, we can only control if we want them to stay in our lives and if we are feeling appreciated, accepted, and loved by them

    - We can't sit around waiting for people to answer or make their own opinions on something we are doing, it is out of our control how someone feels about something, if it makes you happy, keep going for it

    - Really think about this one, if you can't control it, it isn't all your problem to be stressing about.

  2. Accept what is outside of your control: Acknowledge that some things are beyond your control and that worrying about them won't change the outcome. Accepting this can help you let go of unnecessary worry.

    - Pretty much same points as identifying what is in your control, but if you take a moment and realize that this is out of your control, do not engage in it and or waste your time on it

    -Do not let something eat you alive that truly isn't worth it.

  3. Practice mindfulness: Mindfulness is a practice that can help you stay present and focused on the present moment. This can help you avoid getting lost in worries about the past or future.

    -Worry about the now. Not the was or the could be

    -This one is hardest for me because I want things to last and always think well if i send this or do this it might end our friendship or whatever etc... we can't think like that.

    -If you want to do something do it. If you want to wear something wear it. You need to do you and have peace of mind with the person you find within yourself.

  4. Set aside time to think: Set aside a specific time each day to reflect on your thoughts and concerns. This will help you avoid constantly thinking about them throughout the day.

    -I love doing this. Even writing on this blog or in my journal, yes I have a journal, yes I am a little bit of a nerd, helps me so much because I feel I get to express my feelings without commentary from anyone else. No one can even get mad about it because it is I, ME, PERSONALLY, how I feel.

    -When thinking, you have to think about your worth and if you truly see it for what it, well, worth!

    -We all have to be a little selfish sometimes and make decisions for ourselves that will benefit us, we truly only live once and do you really want to look back on your life thinking how you were miserable while living through or for others? Personally, I wouldn't

    - Setting apart time daily to deal with the things you are overthinking truly does help because it results in you being able to think about one thing at a time and not getting hit all at once, and if it is multiple things dedicate different times to think about each, don't overload yourself to the point where it just because a messy brain.

    So those are some tips I figured I would share because I wish I would take my own advice more often, to be honest. Hopefully, someone finds them helpful or useful :) Remember were all trying our hardest and people do see you trying, it doesn't go unnoticed. Things get hard, but we get through them and always will :)


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