I think a lot into things, maybe a little too much into most things. I always have so many thoughts that I just have to let them out, I think that’s why this little blog will help, even if no one reads it. I am just able to get it out…. One of the things i think about most is truly how crazy it is how people change. I truly believe people change, some can do a full 180. They become someone you never would expect them to have become. On a personal account, i used to be someone i didn’t like being. it sucks to admit but i was for a bad choice of words, a bitch. i didn’t care about really anyone but myself and some close to me, but should have cared more for them. I did a lot of things that i am not proud of, but don’t necessarily fully regret. Actually, i don’t really regret anything that i’ve done. Yes, poor poor decisions were made and some shouldn’t have been made at all, but i’m also a firm believer in everything happens for a reason. If some of the most big things did not happen, even if they were mistakes, I would not be who i am today, someone I love being. Now, with change it’s hard because those who don’t know you after you change are so fixated on the person you were before, so they refuse to accept that anything has changed, even if they do not know you at all anymore. Honestly, it just proves the immaturity and small minds they contain. Personally, it’s just something I choose to ignore, and truthfully don’t really care about. At the end of the day, you’re never going to please everyone, people will judge you no matter what you do, and nothing will ever be good enough for them. Now, trust me it does suck at times, but it doesn’t really matter at all. What people say and think of you really should have no affect on you, in fact, take me for example; some of the worst things are being said, posted, shared, lied, to others about me. However, i’ve never been happier. I’ve finally found my group of people, i have an amazing boyfriend, i’m closer than ever with my family, i’m working, i’m sleeping, i’m eating, and who ever would have thought that while all this negativity is being spread about me, i’d be this happy. i think it’s because one day, it wasn’t easy, but one day i finally realized that no matter how much is said or done, it doesn’t affect me, and what i kept thinking to myself on my worst days after crying myself to sleep was, wow sun still came up. And it keeps coming up, so not matter what people think or say or do or whatever, it can’t really be that bad because well, a new day is forming tomorrow and thankfully i’m still here to live it. So keep that in mind always, no matter what or how bad things are, it’s up to YOU to change them. you’re only in control of you, not others around you. YOU get to change yourself. YOU can form your OWN opinions about people, or YOU choose to allow taking others peoples words for everything YOU get to make you’re own decisions. It’s you’re life, live it how YOU want too. Now, after that tangent, going back to my initial thought: People change. It’s a fact. Some people can change for the better and some for the worse, now that’s only up to them to decide. I’ve seen some become beautiful kind souls and others into people they used to look down upon because that’s how scummy they were. When people change for the worse, it’s weird. You used to see this person as once so kind and innocent and now you don’t know them anymore. But that’s life, keep that in mind. If you really don’t speak to or care enough to ask how someone is or what’s going on in their life or see how they treat people in the present, you don’t know them. don’t act like you do. You may have once known them and how they used to be but grow up and realize, people change. they can mature, or become more immature, they can grow, or shrink into something just overall small minded. just something i truly believe everyone needs to work on remembering and overall, trying to consider. i know it’s hard but i think if people started trying to think like this it could really help.
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